$2M+ in client ONLINE PROGRAM sales


Premier Online Program Scaling Community For Service Professionals

Grow Your Impact & Income by leveraging...

✔ A Pre-Built Automated Masterclass Funnel System

✔ Done-For-You Funnel Integration Services

✔ Weekly Expert Support & Masterminds

✔ Step-by-Step Lessons & Templates

✔ Proven AI Strategies

From Idea to income: create, Launch, automate & Scale your digital product business with expert support

Grow Your Impact & Income by leveraging...

✔ A Pre-Built Automated Masterclass Funnel System

✔ Done-For-You Funnel Integration Services

✔ Weekly Expert Support & Masterminds

✔ Step-by-Step Lessons & Templates

✔ Proven AI Strategies

About Joe McVeen

After his life changed when he sold his first digital product back in 2017, Joe and his team have since helped clients sell millions of dollars worth of digital products via automated funnels.

With a background in Electrical Engineering followed by 10 years of marketing & sales leadership experience, Joe has directed launch campaigns for brands ranging in size from startup to $20M/year.

As Founder & CEO of Growth Mastery, Joe leads a community of entrepreneurs who are creating, launching & scaling automated digital product businesses across multiple industries including landscaping, energy, nonprofit, marketing & coaching.

Dear Founder,

Your Highest Vision Requires You To 10x Your Business...

Without You Burning Out 🕯️

If you're like me and everyone in the Impact Mastery community, your relentless entrepreneurial passion is driven by a compelling vision of a better future for your family, your team, your customers, your community, and the world.

Your determination and service for years has given you deeply valuable expertise, and your clients & customers love working with you...

There's just one problem.

The only way your business grows now is when you spend your time and energy to enroll new clients...

And the only way your clients get outstanding service is for you to oversee their fulfillment too.

This is what I call the Burnout Trap, where you can do only two of the following well:

Initiate marketing & sales to attract new customers.

Ensure quality delivery of your products or services.

Enjoy a healthy, spacious and relaxed personal life.

The Burnout Trap forces you to choose between your heart's mission in the world, and your mental, physical and emotional wellbeing.

And millions of well-meaning entrepreneurs are stuck in it.

New hires rarely seem to be worth the time and energy it takes to train them...

And your monthly expenses keep coming.

So you work longer and longer hours, feeling trapped in the very rat race you became an entrepreneur to escape.

Eventually, your health may begin to fade as you sacrifice sleep, exercise and nutrition for progress.

If left unaddressed for long enough, your chronic stress and anxiety may even push away the people who love you most.

Over the last decade, I've seen this pattern far too many times.

My name is Joe McVeen, and I've spent the last 10 years balancing my fascination in spiritual awakening with my passion for systematizing and launching purpose-driven brands.

As a Purpose Coach, I've helped hundreds of individuals learn to leverage meditation to find higher order solutions to their problems and clarity in their purpose.

As a digital marketer, I've helped dozens of purpose-driven brands systematize their operations, reach more customers, generate more revenue, and more effectively inspire the people who work for them.

I've spoken on stages around the world on topics ranging from purpose discovery to inspiration marketing to regenerative storytelling and regenerative investment strategy.

I even ran my own viral marketing agency called Viral Purpose Media, where we helped companies from $100k to $20M in revenue execute viral marketing launches through influencer networks and Facebook retargeting ads.

In 2020, I joined my fiancé Kelly as Co-Founder and CMO of our regenerative real estate development company, New Earth Development.

I worked with Kelly to craft our high-ticket service offerings for aspiring eco-developers, and was delighted to see the offer sell well for years.

We grew a capable team, and helped over 16 sustainable and regenerative land projects through the pre-development planning and fundraise preparation process...

Then in 2022, my heart sank as I watched Kelly fall into the Burnout Trap herself, repeating the same sales pitch on 1:1 calls over and over again and losing the inspiration and enthusiasm she once had.

Even though we lived in paradise in Costa Rica, we found it challenging to fully relax on evenings and weekends because our mind was always spinning with endless to-do lists of posting, messaging, and calling.

At times, we even began to resent the very business that once was our highest excitement.

Kelly felt steadily more and more trapped, unable to express her creativity because of the sales and delivery load on her shoulders.

I just couldn't see her suffer like that any longer, so I went to work finding a solution that would allow for her passion, health and joy to return.

We tried bringing on sales team members but nobody could present the offer like Kelly because of the depth of her 10 years of real estate finance experience.

So I cloned her.

On the delivery side, I led us in productizing our service offering into a scalable online program designed to help founders of regenerative land projects get the training and financial templates they needed to prepare for investment raise.

Then on the sales side, I led us in crafting a value-filled masterclass presentation to sell our online program.

We presented our first masterclass to our warm network in April 2023, and...

In one presentation, we generated $20k in online program sales that led to another $20k in services sales.

That might not be a ton of money to many people...

But what was far more exciting than the money was the fact that we had successfully made the leap from selling 1:1 to 1:Many.

Rather than spending 45 minutes sharing a pitch with one person on a 1:1 call, we presented a single pitch to 40 people at the same time.

It was literally a 40x efficiency improvement in our sales process.

When people purchased, we took them through a beta group and filmed the lessons and modules of our program to order with them throughout a 10-week program.

I saw the potential for infinite scalability of this system, so I spent the rest of 2023 optimizing our irresistible presentation into a fully automated webinar funnel built on Go High Level.

As of Spring 2024, that automated webinar (masterclass) funnel has generated over $80k in online program sales while pre-selling additional services upsells.

All without a single dollar spent on ads.

And more importantly, without Kelly having to burn out again repeating the same sales pitch on 1:1 calls.

Now, when someone is curious about learning more about our work, they watch our free masterclass presentation which gives them a complete overview of who we are, our expertise, and our offerings.

They then buy our online program directly, or show up on our calendar as a pre-sold, pre-qualified and price-aware services lead.

The system is now automated to the point where Kelly only has to get on two Q&A calls per month to answer our students' questions after they watched our pre-recorded video content.

She then spends the rest of her time managing our regenerative real estate development projects, which is her true passion and a much higher value activity for the business.

What's even better is that now our free, automated masterclass offer has simplified and streamlined our entire digital marketing strategy.

Now at the end of every podcast episode, speaking engagement, Facebook ad or affiliate email campaign we simply invite the audience to learn more by signing up for our free masterclass on our conversion-optimized landing page.

This sales automation system has allowed us the freedom to take time off in peace because we know our automated masterclass is attracting our ideal customers into our email list, telling our story, offering massive free value, and making an offer to work with us, 24/7.

Our automated masterclass funnel is now our #1 sales team member, sharing our value to the world 24/7 while taking a huge weight off of Kelly and me - allowing us to relax and enjoy our life more.

The peace of mind that came from automating our sales process has completely changed our life.

Recognizing the life-changing power of this transformation, a passion ignited in me to provide the gift of peace of mind and fulfilling impact to anyone else who has the desire to share their gifts with the world through a mission-driven digital product business.

If that sounds like you, I've got some good news for you...

I built our entire automated webinar system on a software platform that that allows you to copy all of our team's design, copywriting and automations and paste them into your own funnel to massively shortcut your scalable product launch.

Whether you're selling an online program or a physical product, as long as your price point is more than $197, an automated webinar funnel is the key to nurturing and converting at scale.

And when you join Impact Mastery, you get the entire webinar funnel system included with the mastermind.

With just one click, I can now give you EVERYTHING you need for your entire digital product business all templated out and ready for you to import into your account, including:

  • CRM system that allows you to track every lead at every step through your funnel, including % of webinar watched

  • Full webinar slide deck template that we use to deliver our masterclass, with section-by-section teaching

  • Webinar reminder sequence to keep your attendance rate high (emails & SMS texts)

  • Webinar followup sequence to provide your prospects irresistible offers with limited-time discount deadlines (emails & SMS texts)

  • Webinar landing page that is professionally-designed to encourage signups

  • High conversion cales page engineered to attract your dream customers

  • 9 Pre-built automations behind the scenes that make everything work on autopilot

All you have to do is swap our pictures and words for your specific story and offer.

Any software is only as effective as the strategy of the person using it, though.

So I thought long and hard about the best way I could provide a path for other entrepreneurs to launch their own digital businesses.

I got on calls with about 15 friends to identify the structure that would best help them...

Then in February 2024, I launched a mastermind community called Impact Mastery to help mission-driven founders delegate, automate and scale their businesses using our automated webinar system, alongside values-aligned community.

Every week we meet on Thursdays for a collaborative mastermind where each member of the community has a chance to visualize their goals, share them with other members, and get targeted advice on their exact challenges.

The collective energy and inspiration on these calls that comes from our shared values is amazing.

Based on the feedback, questions and challenges of members, I film videos teaching every single step and click of the process which are available to members in our growing members-only training library.

Then in a Meditation, I Was Struck by Inspiration to Create a Revolutionary Delegation Tool Called The Enterprise Code.

After 3 years of using a 3D whiteboard software called Miro to map the operations of my teams' huge visions, the ultimate structure to visualize an entire enterprise in Miro came to me in a meditation in March 2024.

I rushed to my notebook to draw what I saw with my eyes closed, then my laptop to build it. What resulted was a revolutionary way to visualize all of the critical elements of any business in a single image:

WHY - Mission, Vision, Values

WHO - Organization Chart

HOW - Strategic Roadmap

WHAT - Customer Journey

I then filled every single step and function of the map with example processes so that it could serve as the ultimate map of all critical business teachings, using information architecture to place the insights exactly where they belong in context to the larger system of processes that make up any business.

I've included in the curriculum of the Impact Mastery program access to view this template, for you to review any time you're considering strategy around a hiring, marketing, or operations decision in your organization.

Impact Mastery is a place for you to connect with founders who share your values, and feel inspired to implement a proven system to scale your business and impact in the world.

My dream is that Impact Mastery can help thousands of entrepreneurs become free of the Burnout Trap by delegating and automating their operations, so they can change the lives of their family, their teammates, their customers, and their community while creating ripples of positive impact throughout the world through their message.

The world needs your gifts now more than ever.

It's time to systematize and automate the delivery of your gifts to the world, and remove the bottleneck of your deepest impact.

If you're ready, click the link below to join the family.

Thank You 🙏

Joe McVeen

Founder & CEO

New Earth Enterprises

Hear From Some Of Our Members...

I'm super excited about what Impact Mastery is helping me create. I'm reconnected with my passion, and am remembering how great it is to collaborate with others. I think that's the best part for me, being part of a community creating together. The strategic and structural suggestions for my webinar have been huge as well. Thanks to the simple delegation insights from Joe, I am now on track to $1M in revenue this year for the first time ever. I look forward to our community growing, as well as the growth of my automated digital product business after 20 years of managing a services-only business.

John Beaudry

CEO & Founder of Beaudry Garden Design

Thank you so much for creating this, Joe 💚✨. I'm so grateful for your connection, reflection, genius & innerstanding in the Q&A calls as well as the training videos. It's so valuable to be part of this movement towards conscious digital marketing. It allows & creates space for me to step into my higher self, and create more freedom through expanding my systems to serve the world. I'm excited to continue weaving, learning & growing together!

Glo Moss

Founder of New Earth Media

This program is a game changer for the World's Greatest Experiment. I can explain all of the pieces of the project to all stakeholders from every level and I've pretty much got a solid answer for every question at this point. But I can only personally present that pitch so many times. I need to duplicate and automate myself, and this automated webinar funnel I'm creating through Impact Mastery is going to be the key to a whole new level of growth and impact.

Aidan Uttinger

Founder of the World's Greatest Experiment

Joe has transformed our business through creating automation, funnels, and marketing that generated more revenue, opportunity, and time freedom than ever before! Implementing our automated webinar funnel and online program has been a game-changer. It has not only simplified our sales process but has profoundly increased our reach and efficiency. We've had a significant reduction in manual work, allowing our team to focus more on strategy and growth. The funnel handles everything from lead capture to follow-up, operating seamlessly in the background. Thanks to this automated webinar funnel Joe is now bringing to you through Impact Mastery, our business operations are now more automated, our team is better leveraged, and we're able to dedicate more time to what truly matters - our vision to create a thriving and regenerative world.

Kelly Krezek

Founder and CEO of New Earth Development

From a business owner standpoint, figuring out strategy while balancing revenue and operations is like voluntarily walking into a monsoon and a tornado at the same time with animals attacking you, and you have to dodge everything and somehow make sense of it. This program helps to make that process so much less confusing. World changing. I’m stoked to apply this organizational expertise to my marketing strategy - this thing will be bulletproof.

Davison Kirchmeyer

Founder of Elite Home Performance and Avalon Acres

Master Your 3 Steps To Exponential Growth

Step 1

Optimize Your Scalable Offer

Follow a proven process to transform your existing offer or craft a brand new, highly scalable with an irresistible, scalable value proposition that sells itself.

Step 2

Automate Your Sales Process

Use our step-by-step system to create an irresistible masterclass presentation that attracts, follows up with, and converts your ideal customers 24/7.

Step 3

Delegate to Your Dream Team

With your sales automation system in place, it's time to build your dream team to fulfill customers, and support you with content creation & distribution to attract more.

Here's What You Get When You Enroll

Members-Only Masterminds Each Week

Value: $10,000/Year

  • Access to 1-hour weekly mastermind calls each Thursday

  • Direct access to Joe to ask any questions you have about any step of the process

  • Group meditation to align to the energy of abundance

  • Accountability to keep taking steps forward to automate your business

  • Connection with a mission-aligned community of purpose-driven entrepreneurs

  • Get answers to questions you didn't realize you had within the group dynamic

The Enterprise Map

Value: $10,000

  • Access the first ever comprehensive visualization of all building blocks of business in one single image, built in 3-Dimensional whiteboard software Miro

  • WHY: Vision, Mission Values frameworks to align your focus and inspire your team

  • WHO: Org chart template that will give you clarity into the roles and responsibilities you're missing, the order you need to hire them, and KPIs to manage that role

  • HOW: Find the best frameworks available in the world to set the most strategic 10 year, 3 year, 1 year, quarterly and monthly targets for your organization

  • WHAT: Discover a comprehensive customer journey mapping that illuminates every core process and every potential strategy available today to attract customers, convert customers, deliver and improve products/ services.

  • For the first time in human history, see the big picture of the universal system of business in one image.

A Pre-Built Automated Webinar Funnel Template

Value: $10,000

  • One-click copy of the exact New Earth Development automated webinar funnel that contains the following steps, for you to just change the copy and pictures for your own:

    • Professionally-Designed Landing Page

    • Webinar Time Selection Page

    • Thank You Page

    • Webinar Live Room

    • Webinar Replay Room

    • Professionally-Designed Sales Page

    • Order Forms

    • Terms of Use

    • Privacy Policy

  • Step-by-step webinar presentation outline

  • Copy of the slide deck of our New Earth Development masterclass presentation deck (which we present in our own automated webinar) that you can swap for your own pictures and copy

Email & Text Reminder & Followup Templates

Value: $5,000

  • Webinar Reminder Sequence (Email and text)

    • Webinar Registration Confirmation

    • 2 days before webinar

    • 1 day before webinar

    • 3 hours before webinar

    • 30 minutes before webinar

    • 1 minute before webinar (we’re live!)

  • Webinar Follow-Up Sequence (Discount Deadline Sequence)

    • 3 hours after webinar

    • 1 day after webinar

    • 2 days after webinar

    • 3 days after webinar - morning (last day for discount)

    • 3 days after webinar - evening - (last day for discount)

  • Long-Term Nurture Sequence up to 2 weeks after webinar

Comprehensive Video Training Library

Value: $10,000

Holistic Delegation & Enterprise Mapping

  • Full View Access to Enterprise Map Delegation System

  • Clarifying Your Single Highest Leverage Growth Opportunity

  • Learning To Trust Yourself So You Can Trust Your Team

  • Valuing And Managing Your Time

  • Identifying Highest Leverage Hires For Your Business

Crafting Your Irresistible Offer

  • Divine Mission Alignment

  • Ideal Customer Identification

  • Irresistible Offer Framework

  • Ideal Online Courses & Membership Offers

  • Crafting Ideal Service Offers

  • Defining Your Curriculum

  • Creating A Magnetic Sales Page

  • Additional Resources

Launching Your Irresistible Masterclass

  • Masterclass Psychology Foundations

  • Crafting Your Irresistible Masterclass Presentation

  • Designing Your Masterclass Slide Deck

  • Warm Email List Collection

  • Zoom Account Preparation

  • How To Fill Your First Live Masterclass

  • First Live Masterclass Presentation Checklist

  • Creating Your Community

  • Creating Your Video Lesson Trainings

  • Creating Resources & Templates

Automating Your Sales Delivery

  • Configuring Your Webinar Software

  • Setting Up A2P Text Messaging

  • Setting up your domains and subdomains

  • Upload Your Masterclass Recording

  • Crafting Your Webinar Reminder Sequence

  • Creating Your Sales Video

  • Crafting Your Webinar Followup Sequence

  • Crafting Your Discount Deadline Sequence

  • Crafting Your Long-Term Followup Sequence

  • Crafting Your Webinar Registration Page

  • Activate Your Webinar Time Selection Page

Weekly Q&A Call Recordings

Recordings of weekly Q&A calls will be uploaded to the membership platform each week.

Video Library Summary

  • New Lessons Created Regularly

  • Optimized For Time Efficiency

  • Weekly Q&A Call Recordings

Total Value:


What's The Catch?

An automated webinar funnel is hands down, by far the most effective SCALABLE sales process known to man.

There is simply no other method that can deliver a value-filled sales presentation on the schedule of your prospect in an environment that establishes authority through social proof PLUS following up with that prospect unique to their level of engagement WITHOUT requiring a single minute of your team's time.

HOWEVER, an automated webinar funnel is so effective and scalable sales process in existence when built correctly BECAUSE of the level of intention, detail and automation that goes into every step.

So you have two options:

OPTION 1: You can build a call scheduling page in a day and start posting about it and burn yourself out repeating yourself on endless sales calls...


OPTION 2: You can roll up your sleeves with us to build the system that will give the perfect presentation of your offer forever, on autopilot, while growing your warm list, selling your products and pre-selling your high-ticket services offers.

If you're just looking to get a few more clients and maintain your current business size, take option 1. You don't need the Cadillac of sales funnels.

But if you're ready to build the sales funnel that can serve as the vehicle to 10x your impact & income, then it's probably going to take a few months of execution to get it working properly.

On average, we see automated webinar funnels from insight to fully automated launch requiring ~300 hours of execution to complete.

That's roughly 4 months at 20 hours per week, or 2 months at 40 hours per week.

But once it's built, you'll save however many hours your team currently spends generating, nurturing and selling leads. Forever.

If you're on a budget but you have the drive and manpower to build your system, select a payment option below - the Impact Mastery program will change your life.

If you don't have the funnel building skillsets or bandwidth on your team, but you have the budget and desire to hire someone to build your automated webinar funnel, click the third option below and schedule a call with a member of our team.

Flexible Options For All Teams

Monthly Growth Membership

Access Community


Weekly Expert-Led Masterminds

Community of $100k-$10M Founders

Enterprise Mapping Curriculum

Grandfathered Monthly Price

30-Day Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee

Cancel Anytime

$297 / Month

Monthly Membership + System

Automate Sales


1 Free Month of Growth Mastery Membership Benefits

Weekly Expert-Led Masterminds

Community of $100k-$10M Founders

1-Click Import of Magnetic Masterclass System

Click-By-Click Funnel Integration Curriculum

30-Day Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee

$2,997, then $297/month

Annual Membership + System

Premium Benefits


1 Year of Growth Mastery Membership Benefits

Weekly Expert-Led Masterminds

Community of $100k-$10M Founders

1-Click Import of Magnetic Masterclass System

Click-By-Click Funnel Integration Curriculum

60 Minute Custom Growth Strategy Session

30-Day Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee

$2,498 today, $2,498 in 2 weeks

Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee

If after diving into the Impact Mastery Curriculum and participating in the Community Calls within 30 days of enrolling in Impact Mastery you don't feel completely satisfied and supported, send an email to [email protected] telling us why.

If you'd like, we'll cancel your subscription and issue a full refund with no hard feelings and no strings attached. So rest assured as you make your purchase that the worst thing that could happen is you learn new insights and meet new wonderful values-aligned entrepreneurs.

How Much Is Your Time Worth?

This Program Condenses Years Into Days

Building A Complete Webinar System

10,000 hours

If creating systems like these were easy to do on your own from a YouTube video, everyone would have them already. The truth is that there are many moving pieces to make an automated webinar funnel function properly and effectively. Our pre-built software stack, which we regularly use in our own businesses, can be plugged in directly to your business without you having to sift through the minute details to build it like we already did.

Mastering Delegation Strategy

1,000 hours

Our team has spent a collective 20+ years in the digital marketing space, which allows us to provide you with targeted strategic insights tailored to your specific needs and helping you target your audience more effectively and increase engagement through your webinar funnel. By applying these focused strategies, you'll save time and resources, achieving better results faster and with less effort.

Funnel Templates & Resources

1,000 hours

This program streamlines your path to a successful program launch by minimizing the common pitfalls and guesswork involved. We're committed to equipping you with proven strategies and real-world insights, enabling you to bypass typical errors and shorten the feedback loop. By following our guided approach, you save significant time and effort, allowing you to focus on refining and scaling your program more efficiently.

250 hours

The Impact Mastery program provides a complete pre-built automated webinar system, saving you from the extensive process of researching, learning, and implementing various tools independently. This streamlined approach allows you to quickly set up and launch you automated webinars, driving sales and engagement efficiently.

1,000 hours

By offering detailed resources and templates for effective delegation, the Impact Mastery program saves you from the arduous task of mental mapping the entire landscape of business strategies and processes. This results in significant time savings and a more streamlined delegation strategy, allowing you to focus on growth and innovation.

250 hours

Impact Mastery provides ready-made, high-conversion funnel templates and detailed instructional videos, allowing you to quickly implement effective funnels without the extensive time investment of designing from scratch. This enables you to accelerate your marketing and sales efforts, achieving better results in less time.

Until you have a customer attraction system that works while you are resting, you have a job - not a business.

... And that job will always only pay you proportional to how much time you are spending on it.

But what sucks even more is the fact that your time will also be the bottleneck for your impact in the world.

Right now, who in the world is suffering because you aren't systematized enough to scale your gifts to reach them?

If you're truly committed to your mission in the world, it is your responsibility to break free of the Burnout Trap by automating your magnetic customer journey.

It is your responsibility to Master Your Impact.

"Those who love peace must learn to organize as effectively as those who love war."

- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Who This Program Is Perfect For

Mission-Driven Entrepreneurs

You are in business because you wake up every day with a passion to serve the people your business was designed to serve. You have a passion for your work and you just want to share it with as many people as possible.

People Ready To Roll Up Their Sleeves

You understand what it takes to create meaningful impact in the world, and you are ready to dig into the details to make sure that all of the pieces of your digital marketing funnel exude your passion, integrity and values, or hire the people who can help you.

Business Spokespeople

If there were only one person asked to be on camera for a major PR opportunity, it would be you. You are the heart and soul of the business, and you are ready to step into the spotlight being visible by many, many people as your business systematizes and launches.

Experienced Entrepreneurs

This is not your first rodeo. You are confident in the value you bring and have a track record of happy clients you've served over the years. Now, you're ready to de-couple your time from your income and impact through digital business automation.

Who This Program Is NOT A Fit For...

Hobbyists or Beginner Entrepreneurs

If you view your business pursuits more as a hobby or a side project without serious growth intentions, Impact Mastery is not for you as this program requires your focus and commitment to personal growth and scaling your operations.

Those Unwilling To Implement Changes

This program is geared towards entrepreneurs ready to adopt new strategies and earnestly apply them. If you are resistant to adapting your business practices or exploring new avenues, you may not reap the full benefits of Impact Mastery.

Short-Term Thinkers

If you’re looking for quick fixes or overnight success, this program is not for you because the truth is, no strategy works unless you work it. Impact Mastery focuses on building sustainable systems and requires commitment and patience to see long-term results.

Individuals Lacking Commitment to Values & Integrity

This program emphasizes values-driven entrepreneurship. If making a positive impact or operating with integrity aren’t priorities for you, then the ethos and strategies of Impact Mastery might not resonate.

Are You Ready To Automate & Scale Your Impact?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Will sales automation work for my type of business?

Impact Mastery is designed to be versatile and effective across a wide range of business types, wherever the existing sales process depends on a 1:1 sales conversation. Whether you're in service-based industries, e-commerce, or consulting, our program provides the tools and strategies for you to reach, convert, and serve your ideal customers at scale by automating your pitch. We encourage you to apply the principles and tactics discussed within the program, adapting them as needed to fit your specific business model and market, ensuring you receive the maximum benefit from your investment.

The digital space is already so saturated, will anyone really watch my masterclass?

No matter how many other people are ever sharing their message online, there will only ever be one you. When you commit to professionally, authentically and comprehensively sharing your insights with the world through an automated webinar funnel with the people who need them most, you will naturally attract a pool of raving fans because of how your unique story relates to theirs, and how your offer came at absolute perfect timing in their life. The digital space allows you the scale to sift through the people who don't resonate with your offering and message so you can attract those who do.

How much time will this system take me to implement?

Even though we have done everything possible to streamline the process for you by providing step by step instructions and pre-built templates for everything, understanding and integrating your system specific to your business will always require a knowledge transfer from your deep experience as the business owner translated into the pictures, copy and videos on each page, email and text of your funnel. AI can assist this process, or you are welcome to hire a copywriter either in your network or through a freelancer website. If you were 100% focused on this and nothing else all day each work day, you could complete your sales page, order form, and presentation deck in less than a month to present your offer to your network. If you have teammates to help you, then even sooner. But if you have less time and less support, you're looking at a couple months to move through the full creative process to deliver something evergreen and amazing to your network.

Do I need a digital marketer or funnel builder on my team?

You do not need a digital marketer or funnel builder on your team to benefit from Impact Mastery. Our program is designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to build and manage your effective automated webinar sales funnel on your own. We provide comprehensive training and resources that guide you through each step of the process, from basic concepts to advanced strategies. However, as your business grows and if your budget allows, bringing in specialized professionals can help you scale your efforts and refine your digital marketing activities. Our done-for-you team of experts provide premium automated webinar funnels that start at $40k, or you could hire a freelancer for less and have them apply the Impact Mastery program to your business.

Can I hire you to build my funnel for me?

We provide premium done-for-you automated webinar funnels for budgets over $30k, or you could hire a freelancer for less and have them apply the Impact Mastery program to your business.

I don't want to create a digital product yet but like the idea of automating my sales process. How can this program help me?

Impact Mastery is not solely focused on digital products; it's about optimizing and automating your sales processes, which can be incredibly beneficial even if you're not ready to create a digital product. Through our program, you'll learn to systematize various aspects of your sales, such as lead generation, customer segmentation, and follow-ups, using automated webinars and other digital tools. This approach can enhance your efficiency, allowing you to reach and nurture potential customers effectively, and ensure consistent sales performance across any product or service you offer. Thus, even without a digital product, you can apply these strategies to streamline your operations and increase your sales capabilities.

What We Believe

I Believe That Mission-Driven Entrepreneurs Like You And Me Are Humanity's Best Hope to Lead The World Into A Golden Age.


In a world where fear and anxiety has infected the hearts of so many...

Your mission-driven business model can allow you to build content creation and delivery machines that inspire millions of people while attracting the customers whose lives your team can change.

In a world where layoffs are rampant and mass AI unemployment is a constant concern...

You can dare to dream 100x bigger with your impact and income goals which allow you to conceive of ways to use AI to 10x the creativity and output of the greatness in each of your team members, rather than replacing them.

In a world of embedded corruption amongst governments, universities, and financial institutions...

Founders like you can proliferate new opportunities and technologies that inspire, connect and bless the lives of generations to come.

In a world where tens of millions of people are longing for purpose, yet so many large corporations under-utilize talent...

Your infectious commitment to your mission can attract and galvanize dream team members who were born to join forces with you to create a better world and an ethical empire in the process.

In a world where geopolitical volatility, macroeconomic instability and political division have so many fearing the worst...

Your organization's ripple of impact can plant the seeds of a world that works for everyone.

And Impact Mastery is your home to do that amongst a community of value-aligned founders who are committed to the same beautiful possibility for humanity that you are.

Even Though AI & social media Present the Greatest Entrepreneurial Opportunity in human history, None of Us Are Meant To Do This Alone.

Every business demands a symphony of well-coordinated actions that must be executed with both speed and quality, in order to continuously improve how it attracts and serves customers.

If you as a founder try to execute all of these actions yourself or with an under-equipped staff, you either end up ignoring mission-critical responsibilities and staying small, or being crushed by them and burning out.

Meanwhile, the economic and technological landscape is rapidly transforming, so your entire strategy can change overnight.

No human mind is capable of managing all of this strategic complexity while simultaneously managing operational complexity, AND seeking to meet the growing demands of customers.

As a wise business partner once taught me, diversity is the antidote to complexity.

Therefore, community is the answer to chaos.

That's why Impact Mastery is designed to empower your organization with community-driven solution at all three levels of your organization:

1) Strategic Community

2) Operational Community

3) Customer Community

Impact Mastery Is Your Strategic Community of Like-Minded, Mission-Driven Founders That Have Your Back Through Any Challenge.

Every week you'll get access to a 60-minute Weekly Impact Mastermind.

In that mastermind we'll meet briefly as a group before breaking into breakout rooms of 3 or 4 individuals each, giving you about 10 minutes of time to share:

1) What business you're in

2) Your current big inspiring goal

3) Your current challenge you're looking for support with

Then, the collective genius of your mastermind provides support, whether that solution be:

- A tactical suggestion

- A strategic recommendation

- A shift in perspective

- A connection to your next team member

- A referral to your next customer

- A technology solution

You'll also have access to our Skool.com platform where you can connect with the entire community, as well as access courses on the topics of:

- Crafting Scalable Offers

- Sales Automation, and

- Delegation Systems

The Sales Automation tools and training In Impact Mastery Help You Create An Automated Webinar Funnel That Builds Your Customer Community on Autopilot.

Millions of your dream customers are out there, waiting to hear your message, offer and story on social media, in podcasts, and in partners' email lists.

They would love to be invited to your irresistible presentation of your life's work which you've placed into an automated webinar funnel.

If you don't have that presentation automated in a webinar funnel, then if you do invest in traffic, you'll be doomed to endless 1:1 calls repeating the same pitch over and over.

That's why it's so important to prepare your very best, well practiced irresistible presentation...

And then automate the delivery of that presentation in an automated funnel that delivers value, collects leads and creates sales for you while you sleep.

Transforming lives with your genius on autopilot.

Creating community amongst your customers is a great way to provide them with even more value than your products or services on their own.

Once you have your sales process automated, it's time to focus your energy on building your dream team...

... And the Enterprise Code is Your secret weapon to know exactly Who and when to hire to build your dream team that forms your operational community.

After my spiritual awakening in 2012, I became infected by the vehicle of entrepreneurship to create a better world by changing the lives of audiences and customers.

I was grateful for the mentorship I found in podcasts and YouTube channels to help shape my mental model of value creation systems...

But as an Electrical Engineer, I was so frustrated by the inefficiency of the process of receiving information verbally to form a mental model of business

If I got it wrong, it led to failure

The only suggestion was to get a mentor...

Which was only someone else to tell me words verbally for me to inaccurately represent in my mind and then create

So fueled by my mission to liberate human potential...

I invested all of my 20's into learning everything I could about business, from sales to marketing to operations to investing to real estate.

The whole time, I was struck by just how difficult it was to learn business because there was no mental model to visualize the business system every mentor was talking about...

So I spent 2 years of my life mapping what has become the genetic code of an enterprise.

I call it the Enterprise Code.

Our team believes it is the most significant innovation in business management since the invention of the org chart in 1854.

The Enterprise Code is your key to understanding exactly which critical components your business machine is missing, and therefore which areas would be the highest leverage positions to hire for.

Creating a sense of community amongst your dream team who shares your mission and has the skills required by your organization is the winning formula for success.

Your dream team members are out there, just yearning for the opportunity to be inspired by your mission and placed in a position where they can win.

the time is now for us to rise together.

If you're resonating with these words right now, then I'm talking directly to you.

For those of us who feel this call and recognize humanity's dire need at this time in history, I believe it is our responsibility to leverage every single tool and strategy available to us in the world right now to absolutely maximize the positive impact our mission-driven brands can make in the lives of others.

That means optimizing our systems and our offer so we can reach 100x more people, serve 10x more customers, and serve our customers so profoundly that they are forever transformed and become our greatest allies in sharing our products and services with others.

That means growing ourselves as leaders so we can inspire the very best talent to co-create a value delivery machine that far exceeds anything we could ever have created by ourselves.

That means humbling ourselves to our vision for humanity perfected every morning, taking radical responsibility for our health and fitness to be strong enough to lead, and surrendering our ego at the altar of service every day.

That means coming together in mastermind every week within the Impact Mastery community to support, and be supported.

Click the button below to apply to join, and we'll be waiting for you on the other side.

Still Have Questions Before Enrolling?

Send your questions in an email to [email protected] and we'll be happy to answer!

© Copyright New Earth Enterprises 2024